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Credit report -
26.10.2016 - 16:26
General information
Company name
Previous name(s)
aktsiaselts CONNECTUS
Company type
Public limited company
Reg no
Registration date
Registered capital
25 560 EUR
VAT number
Contact data
Estonia pst 5, 10143, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
+372 6414910
E-mail address
Credit Rating
Rating image
Good creditworthiness
Low credit risk
Credit limit 81K​
AAA Highest creditworthiness (minimal credit risk)
AA Good creditworthiness (low credit risk)
A Creditworthy (average credit risk)
AN New company with positive background
NR No rating (information missing or inconsistent)
B Credit against securities (credit risk greater than average)
C Credit rejected (high credit risk)
Part judgements


In Liquidation
In bankruptcy


Not negative

Financial information

No rating

Ability to pay

Not negative
Slightly negative
Very negative
Remarks of payment

Tax arrears


Enforcement notices


Court decisions on debt


Debt collection cases

Quarterly information
2016 Q3 2016 Q2 2016 Q1 2015 Q4 2015 Q3 2015 Q2
State taxes 112 870 108 536 65 109 82 990 113 988 83 445
Labour taxes 117 494 115 685 69 890 89 807 123 785 90 725

State taxes

Labour taxes

Financial information
Name 2015 Trend % 2014 Trend % 2013
Net sales 1 352 617 8,67% 1 244 686 16,39% 1 069 392
Annual profit/loss 163 195 -40,30% 273 337 8,49% 251 945
Current assets total 1 496 021 5,51% 1 417 880 27,43% 1 112 649
Equity total 1 522 619 12,00% 1 359 424 25,17% 1 086 087
Current liabilities 192 511 37,20% 140 311 39,88% 100 310
Balance sheet total 1 722 674 14,15% 1 509 085 26,00% 1 197 667
Employees 59 11,32% 53 17,78% 45

Activity: Other information service activities n.e.c.

Financial ratios
Name 2015 Trend % 2014 Trend % 2013 Industry avg
Return on assets (ROA%) 9,47% -8,64% 18,11% -2,92% 21,04% 22,64%
Equity ratio 88,39 -1,88% 90,08 -0,66% 90,68 63,86
Quick ratio 7,77 -23,10% 10,11 -8,90% 11,09 2,82
Profit margin (%) 12,07% -9,90% 21,96% -1,60% 23,56% 17,42%
Revenue per employee 22 926 -2,38% 23 485 -1,18% 23 764 38 768
Profit/loss per employee 2 766 -46,37% 5 157 -7,89% 5 599 6 755
Annual report

Statement of financial position

Name 2015 Trend % 2014
Cash and cash equivalents 1 349 383 15,84% 1 164 855
Receivables and prepayments 146 638 -42,05% 253 025
Total current assets 1 496 021 5,51% 1 417 880
Receivables and prepayments 115 000 100% 0
Property, plant and equipment 32 371 0,59% 32 180
Intangible assests 79 282 34,32% 59 025
Total non-current assets 226 653 148,51% 91 205
Total assets 1 722 674 14,15% 1 509 085
Loan liablities 1 863 -2,97% 1 920
Payables and prepayments 190 648 37,76% 138 391
Total current liabilities 192 511 37,20% 140 311
Loan liablities 7 544 -19,32% 9 350
Total non-current liabilities 7 544 -19,32% 9 350
Total liabilities 200 055 33,67% 149 661
Issued capital 25 560 0,00% 25 560
Statutory reserv capital 2 556 0,00% 2 556
Retained earnings (loss) 1 331 308 25,84% 1 057 971
Annual period profit (loss) 163 195 -40,30% 273 337
Total equity 1 522 619 12,00% 1 359 424
Total liabilities and equity 1 722 674 14,15% 1 509 085

Income statement (scheme1)

Name 2015 Trend % 2014
Revenue 1 352 617 8,67% 1 244 686
Other income 0 0% 0
Raw materials and consumables used -66 476 -21,41% -54 755
Other operating expense -81 848 -9,07% -75 039
Employee expense -996 577 -26,46% -788 058
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) -40 737 11,64% -46 104
Other expense -4 728 52,30% -9 911
Profit (loss) 162 251 -40,09% 270 819
Profit (loss) from financial investments 1 386 -53,19% 2 961
Interest expenses -442 0,23% -443
Profit (loss) before tax 163 195 -40,30% 273 337
Annual period profit (loss) 163 195 -40,30% 273 337

Statement of cash flows (indirect method)

Name 2015 Trend % 2014
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) 40 737 -11,64% 46 104
Profit (loss) from sale of non-current assets 0 0% 0
Total adjustments 40 737 -11,64% 46 104
Changes in receivables and prepayments related to operating activities -8 613 93,65% -135 620
Changes in payables and prepayments related to operating activities 52 257 30,83% 39 944
Interest paid -442 0,23% -443
Total cash flows from operating activities 246 190 11,50% 220 804
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -61 185 -17,01% -52 291
Interest received 1 386 -53,19% 2 961
Total cash flows from investing activities -59 799 -21,22% -49 330
Proceeds from finance lease -1 863 0,00% -1 863
Total cash flows from financing activities -1 863 0,00% -1 863
Total cash flows 184 528 8,79% 169 611
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1 164 855 17,04% 995 244
Change in cash and cash equivalents 184 528 8,79% 169 611
Effect on exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 0 0% 0
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1 349 383 15,84% 1 164 855